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"If I could rate this experience as higher than 5 stars I would do it in a heartbeat"
"Lee is fantastic, highly recommended"
"His communication and professionalism were amazing"
"Absolutely 1000% recommend using Lee"
"Lee is the BEST"
"What a fabulous experience"
"Lee went above and beyond"
"Lee is a very reliable, polite person"
"Lee did an outstanding job"
"He took exceptional care"
Lee is a founder and business owner providing optimal health and wellness solutions for humans and animals. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a huge fan of Pittsburgh Penguins hockey, and by age 17 found a passion for personal training specializing in weight loss and healthy aging. Lee offers an online personal training subscription called "Fit Camp" along with reliable pet care services to local residents.
Fit Camp is the ideal place to start your fitness journey at home. It's built for beginners and people with busy lifestyles who need to lose body fat and build muscle in all the right places. With 3, easy-to-follow HIIT workouts a week and a handful of daily goals to complete, Fit Camp will help you develop healthy habits to last a lifetime. I'll be your coach and friend every step of the way.
60 minutes for one animal - $49
30 minutes for one animal - $25
20 minutes for one animal - $20
*The rates listed above increase by $5 on holidays.
Each additional animal - $5
Rates and Terms of Service are subject to change. By requesting a service, you agree to these conditions.